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Light microscope for scientific and routine tasks “Axio Imager A1” (Carl Zeiss)
Usage: Axio Imager A1 – a microscope for general and applied use in the field of biology and medicine. Microscope satisfies modern scientific and technical requirements and international standard ISO 9000.
Methods: using transmitted light – brightfield and differential interference contrast; using reflected light – epi-fluorescence. Currently available objectives on the system are 2.5?/0.085 5?/0.15, 10?/0.30, 20?/0.50, 40?/0.75, 63?/0.85 and 100?/1.30.
For operation with differential interference contrast DIC slider EС PN 5? 0, 10? І, 20? ІІ, РА 20? ІІ and DIC slider EС PN 40? ІІ, EС PN 100? ІІІ for objectives 10?/0,30, 20?/0,50, 40?/0,75 and 100?/1,30 are available.
Epi-fluorescence illumination system provides K?hler principle (field and aperture diaphragm in reflected light) with 100 Wt mercury light source.
For operation with epi-fluorescence microscopy, several sets of filter systems are available:
Usage: quantitative and qualitative determination of polar nonvolatile thermostable and thermolabile organic substances (pharmaceuticals, biologically active substances, water-soluble pesticides, PAHs etc. in the matrixes of different difficulty.
Detectors: HPLC is equipped with diode-array detector (190–950 nm), fluorescent detector and single-quadruple mass detector (API and APCI ion sources, m/z 80–3000 ±0.13 u, 2500–5250 u per second).
Features of energy supply of fish adaptation to fipronil and dimethoate (in Ukrainian) / M.О. Savluchynska, I.M. Konovets, O.M. Arsan, M.G. Mardarevych (Особливості енергозабезпечення процесів адаптації риб до різних концентрацій фіпронілу та диметоату у водному середовищі / М.О. Савлучинська, І.М. Коновець, О.М. Арсан, М.Г. Мардаревич // Наук. зап. Терноп. нац. пед. ун-ту. Сер. Біол., 2017, № 2 (69) С. 70–75).
Rodriguez R., Vakulenko O., Ralchenko S., Kostiuk A., Porublyova L., Konovets I., Voronina I., Obolenskaya M. Quantification of S-adenosyl methionine and S-adenosyl-homocysteine in human placenta and placental explants under homocysteine treatment. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry. 2017. Vol. 421. P. 279–284.DOI:
Usenko O.M., Konovets I.N., Tarashchuk O.S., Gorbunova Z.N. Phenolcarbonic acids of the submerged aquatic plants and their effect on phytoepiphyton structure. Hydrobiological Journal. 2019. Vol. 55, N 6. P. 55–64. DOI: 10.1615/HydrobJ.v55.i6.50
Ho K.T., Konovets I.M., Terletskaya A.V., Milyukin M.V., Lyashenko A.V., Shitikova L.I., Shevchuk L.I., Afanasyev S.A., Krot Yu.G., Zorina-Sakharova K.Ye., Goncharuk V.V., Skrynnyk M.M., Cashman M.A., Burgess R.M. Contaminants, mutagenicity and toxicity in the surface waters of Kyiv, Ukraine. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 2020, Vol. 155. P. 111153.
Rodriguez R., Konovets I., Ralchenko S., Kharkhota M., Kostyuk A., Kosach V., Voronina I., Filimonova N., Obolenskaya M. A low-cost mass spectrometry-based approach for quantifying purines in placental explants. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry. 2021. Vol. 460. Art. 116490. DOI: